3 - And it came to pass that there came a voice again unto the people, and all the people did hear, and did witness of it, saying:
Once again, what does it signify to hear the voice of Christ and to witness of it? What do witnesses do? Do gospel ordinances make use of witnesses? Is this the same context?
4 - O ye people of these great cities which have fallen, who are descendants of Jacob, yeah, who are of the house of Israel, how oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and have nourished you.
Why is the Lord referencing their ancestor Jacob? Didn't they know that they were descendents of Jacob/Israel? What was Jacob promised by the Lord? How could that relate to "the house of Israel"? Who lives in houses? What do the promises made to the Fathers (ancient patriarchs) have to do with the Nephites at this time? Do they have anything to do with us? Is Christ reminding them of these promises? How does one qualify to have these same promises extended to them? Can we do it of ourselves, by ourselves? Is it necessary that we be "gathered" and "nourished"? Look up the footnote for "gathered" ( Helaman 7:19 ). What must be done to qualify to be gathered? What qualifies for scattering? Look up the second footnote for "nourished" ( 1 Nephi 17:3 ). What must one do to be qualified to be nourished? Have we been commanded to seek and receive the promises made to the Fathers? What is the way to have the means provided to us to accomplish that as outlined in 1 Nephi 17:3?
5 - And again, how oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, yea, O ye people of the house of Israel, ye that dwell at Jerusalem, as ye that have fallen; yea, how oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens, and ye would not.
How many times does Christ use the analogy of a hen gathering her chickens under her wings in verses 4, 5, and 6? If Christ says it that many times, is it important to pay attention? If Mormon caused the same thing to be written in his compilation that many times, is it important to pay attention? Did Mormon understand what Christ meant by that analogy? Do we? If not, is Mormon trying to get our attention? Was Christ trying to get the attention of the Nephites here? The Lord repeats the phrase "the house of Israel" again. Why? Is he drawing attention to something? Why does Christ mention those that dwell at Jerusalem to those who are hearing his voice on the American continent? Is he trying to tell the Nephites something about the state of the people from whence they came? Is he trying to tell the Nephites something about themselves? (1 Nephi 19:11).
6 - O ye house of Israel whom I have spared, how oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if ye will repent and return unto me with full purpose of heart.
Do you want to be gathered by Him as a hen gathereth her chickens? What two things must each individual do to have this happen to them? What does "full purpose of heart" mean? Something similar to "eye single to his glory"? Something similar to "a broken heart and a contrite spirit"? If one doesn't doe these things with a "full" purpose of heart, but with a "partially full" purpose of heart, is this mocking God? What happens to those who do that? How do you get your heart more "full" of purpose? Is the second of the two things mentioned above dependent on the first? Do "listening" and "doing" have a place in that process as well?
7 - But if not, O house of Israel, the places of your dwellings shall become desolate until the time of the fulfilling of the covenant to your fathers.
What does it mean to have "places of your dwellings shall be come desolate"? Is this purely physical, or is there also a spiritual component of this as well? What is implied by a spiritual dwelling to become desolate? What does that mean when associated with the "house of Israel"? Does it have something to do with promises extended to the Fathers? To descendents of Israel? Which covenant(s) that were made to their fathers is Christ referring to? Have they been fulfilled? Are they in the process of being fulfilled? Is that fulfillment still a future event from now?
8 - And now it came to pass that after the people had heard these words, behold, they began to weep and howl again because of the loss of their kindred and friends.
Why would the people start to weep and howl now? They had heard things that caused them to stop that and be silent for many hours. Did it have something to do with the fact that they understood the relationships between being "gathered" and "nourished" by Christ, the promises extended by God to the fathers/patriarchs, and being of the "house of Israel". Once they understood this and heard the voice of Christ lamenting that those who were destroyed ( their kindred and friends ) in the recent upheaval of nature at the time of his death had refused to be qualify themselves to be gathered and nourished by Him, were they lamenting the eternal consequences of that refusal that were going to be laid upon those that had perished?
... Great things 2 ponder upon.
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